
Sunday, December 30, 2012


Here's a happy face for you!

Rants and Raves, A Little Belated

One of my favorite segments on Fox News Channel’s The Factor is Watters World. Why? Well, because it’s so much fun to see people make themselves look ridiculous (HAHAHA….HA!). I can’t tell you how many times Jesse Waters holds up a sign of a picture of a politician, let’s say a picture of Nancy Pelosi (*ew*) or Joe Biden (*gagging*), and young people, in their twenties, look at it, maybe stare at it for a bit and eventually say “I don’t know,” as a glazed look passes over their eyes. What is it with our generation being so uninformed? Why is reality television so popular, when it clearly is not reality?? We all know The Real Housewives of New York, Atlanta, and wherever The Real Housewives live, are not real housewives. Ask your mother or someone else’s mother. She’ll tell you who is a real housewife. I heard on FNC that the average person during the 2012 Presidential Election watched, read and/or listened to three hours of election coverage. That’s it? I know I watched at least three hours of election news each day - I even tweeted during every debate! And another thing that really pisses me off is the fact that immigrants complain that they don’t get to vote – they just get to live here. Well you know what? It took me eighteen years to get the opportunity to vote, and it wasn’t even that much fun (nothing like the Obama commercials with Lena Dunham), the options were just ‘eh’. 

Friday, December 28, 2012

It's a Plug!

I went to The Dump (the actual store, not the ... anyway) today and I saw something that just drove me mad. The store sells artwork, or should I say "artwork". They sell mass produced pieces, and the "artwork" isn't cheap. I saw one "painting" with the price tag of $799. I wanted to scream. Why you may ask? Well because you could buy original art for that price! Painted by a real person!

Here are a few reasons why original artwork is worth it:

1. it's original
2. the artist could become super famous (yes, super famous, not just famous) in the future and you would just happen to have one of their originals
3. it's original
4. there are millions of artists that produce work that needs a good home
5. it's original
6. Earth without art is Eh

Interested?? Visit to see my favourite artists' work :)

and here too

and here too!

Feel free to pass this on...really...I'm not kidding...thx

And by the way, What better way to say Happy New Year or Merry Belated Christmas or Happy Valentines Day or Happy Birthday or Congratulations on a new house, job, baby, car, pet, etc. than a piece of art? Support the arts!

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Yes. You see it correctly. That's Arnold at The Frye Company store at 113 Spring Street NYC.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

PictureOfTheDay and Other Stuff

It's that time of year again, where you just want to buy a whole bunch of stuff that you've wanted, or at least you think wanted it. Well, I hadn't thought of anything else to write after that...

It's finals time for us college age kids. This is dead week here at Tech, but it's been pretty lively - I've had dead-er weeks before. I've got just a week left: two term papers, one nine pages and the other six and half (and I used a normal font, I didn't need an 'extender' font), two psychology finals, an Intro. to StaC final and a computer science final (shudder - wince - balling up into the fetal position).

Here's your PictureOfTheDay:

Happy Festivus!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Aura...What is it? Where does it come from?

I like to post my incredibly well written and deeply philosophical essays from my Intro. to STaC exams. Here's another:

Prompt: Write an essay in which you speculate on what it is that produces an "aura" that does not rely on tradition in contemporary culture. Be sure to use at least one specific example of some contemporary thing/person with "aura". And be sure to speculate why that happens.

     Something that has an aura has an ethereal quality. 'It' has specialness, originality, some sort of uniqueness. It's not just new things or new people that have an aura. Andy Warhol's work has an aura, his work isn't new, he's not new, he's dead, but still his artwork has that special something that gets people to go to the museum. What is fascinating about Andy Warhol and his work is that when you look at it critically, his work and life and fame is based off the exploitation of images of everyday commodities, like Coca-Cola and Campbell soup. And his artistic medium wasn't paint or sculpture; it was screen printing, which means that his work had the ability to be massed produced. 
     How could someone's work have this 'aura' when they actually never produced it (Warhol had assistants screen print his artistic visions)? Warhol is famous for pop art. Maybe that is what gives Warhol's work aura. The fact that he was the one to really popularize the style and get it out into mainstream culture. The fact that a large population knows Warhol's work when they see it and know that that is 'pop art' is what gives his work an aura. But that would mean that what creates the aura, all the fame around his work, is the fact that it's accessible to a large population. 
     This defies what the meaning of aura stands for. Something with an aura should be one of a kind, it should be rare. Warhol's work has an aura and one could describe his work as iconic, but it doesn't have super special quality. You know when you see Marilyn Monroe's face in columns and rows on a canvas in bright colors, you know it's a the work of Warhol. Perhaps, it's the fact that the work is iconic that produces the aura. A Rembrandt has an aura. It could be the way he uses the light, but he's not considered an Old Master for no reason at all. 
     It seems that lots of things in pop culture today are said to have an aura. Some say the Gangnam Style music video featuring PSY has an aura. Is it the bright, neon colors? Is it the catchy beat? There doesn't seem to be anything special about the music video, we've seen bright colors before and listened to catchy beats, yet some still say it has an aura. This could be said for Warhol's work as well, yet something about it creates the effect of the mysterious aura. 
     It seems that aura is a paradox. There is no one defining quality that precipitates an aura. It could be originality, uniqueness, rarity or specialness. It could be accessibility, in the case of mass produced art, images, literature, film and consumer goods. But it doesn't seem like accessibility would have a part in the 'aura' effect, yet practically everything with an aura is accessible (it just may take a fourteen hour flight to another country to see a piece of art and/or a large sum of money). It must be a combination of uniqueness and some innate human flaw, perfection and imperfection that creates and aura. The aura, in itself, is a magical, mysterious property of human nature.

See?? Pretty good for 40 minutes.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Here's.... Teddy!!!

Not at all scary like Jack Nicholson in The Shining....."the shining" (sotto voce)... hehe

Most Amazing Essay as Part of an Exam Ever Written

I wanted to post my Intro to STAC essay when I got it back. Well, I got it back. The essay (below) was written as part of an exam - took me 20-25 minutes to write. To give you the idea of the prompt, it's something like this:

"A producer wants to finance a suspense/action/horror film and must choose a concept A or B. Your job is to recommend A or B. Explain why your choice would make a better film. Include a general storyline." I chose A: The world is being overrun by self-propelled, self-directed machines - robots. They are fast, strong and violent. They reproduce by scavenging materials from the world around them and building more versions of themselves."

Here is my essay that is 100% original. DO NOT STEAL IT. Even though, I can totally see why you would want to - because it's awesome...and amazing. 

Think “Aliens” meets “I am Legend” meets “I-Robot.” That’s my pitch for a suspense/action/ terrifying horror film. Robots reproducing by scavenging materials, violently attacking everyday people, going to war against our human armies and eventually taking over the world, because after all, they don’t need sleep and food to keep them alive, only humans do.
            While a non-visual source of terror usually does instill more fear within the audience, we humans still have a great aversion and fear about nonhuman beings taking control over our world. We like to fantasize that aliens would ‘come in peace’ and robots would just be servants. But since the birth of the automaton, robots have been the source of inspiration for suspenseful films, novels and play’s, like Rossum’s Universal Robot’s.
            Although a virus infecting the digital network is really non-visual to the audience, it’s also an abstract image that would need to be represented in some visual way and that just wouldn’t appear as visually frightening in any way that an ultra-strong, vicious, unintelligent ‘mechanical beast’ would appear. This is primarily due to the fact that human fears are related to the unknown and to things that look like us, act like us, but would really prefer to kill off the human race instead of living within our world harmoniously.
            To really give the audience a jolt, a great move for such a film would be to take a rather pessimistic outlook on the situation. Humans love when humans conquer other worldly invaders (think ‘Marvel’s The Avenger’s’) and hate when humans appear to be the inferior race. This is precisely why we have more superhero action films than human’s are the losers films. So, the film would end with the entire human population massacred and heartless, fearless robots living all over Earth. That will surely have the audience leaving the theatre without warm fuzzies, and an intense fear toward beings that mimic some of our more negative qualities, physically and mentally. And it may be thought only subconsciously, but even the ruthless robots that dominate the film do share similarities, mentally, with that of psychologically disturbed human beings.
            By taking a wholly negative outlook at robots multiplying by scavenging, an act humans view as barbaric, and destroying humanity, a suspenseful horror film is born. Nothing is more terrifying and worse than seeing your own kind being destroyed.

I know I haven't posted anything in quite a while - I've been busy - and I had two exams today and I have two more still to take today (that's a grand total of four in one day!). I actually have another Intro. to STAC exam later today, and I will have to write (an) essay(s). I will see how it goes before posting it on here. :)

Friday, October 26, 2012

New Zazzle Store

I love my animals so I have created another Zazzle store! Visit at:

New Products Coming Soon! Feel Free to Share the Link with People You Know.

The SciFiLab presents...

Rossum's Universal Robot one night radio drama show. R.U.R was written by Karel Čapek in 1920.  

The SciFiLab radio drama team adapted a translated version of the play into the radio drama you can listen to on NOVEMBER 1. 

The radio drama will air on Thursday, Nov. 1 at 7:00pm  - 8:00pm on WREK Atlanta 91.1 FM

Or you can listen to it at if you don't live in the Atlanta Area

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Gum and Other Stuff

I chewed some gum yesterday before class. I remember chewing it on the bus and during the beginning of class. And that's where any recollection of chewing gum stops. I know that I didn't throw it out - I must have swallowed it sometime between 3:15pm and 4:00pm....

Don't forget that TheJelliedWishbone has merch! Visit this link to see what's for sale:

New products will be up soon!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

TheJelliedWishbone Blog Merchandise

I just opened a online store where you can show off your love for TheJelliedWishbone by purchasing merchandise with original logo's that I design! Isn't that great!?!

Here's the link to my may want to bookmark it :)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Term Paper Idea

For one of my classes this semester I have to write a five to seven page term paper on a topic that is (1) of interest to me and (2) won't bore my professor. It has to deal with biomedical practices and culture. I think I am going to go with this topic: the psychology of grotesque. I am planning on starting off by giving an example of grotesque in art (Bacon's Pope Innocent X) and literature (maybe Thomas Mann, Poe or Faulkner) and then the definition (to label something as grotesque it must be distorted or ugly, and bizarre - so basically a physical and emotional reaction is necessary). And then I will discuss the psychology of societies (the cultural) response to grotesque subject matter (people don't like Bacon's work for a number of reasons, including the defamation of a divine, supreme figure by artistic expression) yet, grotesque literature is much more acceptable, maybe because it's not visual in the same sense.

What do you think? I can see five to seven pages of this.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Art Work For Sale @ New Blog

Do you need/want some art work that is original, one of a kind??? Well do ya??

check out this blog and online gallery, Paint and Paper

Features original art work at affordable prices by an artist I know (my mommy)!

If you're interested in anything, feel free to send me an email at

It would be really nice if you could pass along our blog url's and please, please, please, comment on my posts. It would be nice to hear from readers!



Movies I've Watched This Semester

  1. Stranger Than Fiction (Who knew Will Ferrell could do serious comedy??)
  2. Close Encounters of The Third Kind (Barry come back!)
  3. Bram Stoker's Dracula (I watched this for the third time. It's so bad it's good)
  4. Wit (three/4 stars)
  5. Groundhog Day (surprisingly funny)
  6. Big Daddy (hilariousness) 
  7. Identity (boringggggggg)
  8. Donnie Brasco (I love mafia movies and this one was great!)
  9. The Fisher King (Robin Williams was excellent as usual)
  10. Adaptation (oh my god that was amazing)
  11. Pineapple Express (HAHAHA for the fifth time)
  12. Saving Silverman (best stupid movie ever, on par with The Hangover Part I and II and Pineapple Express)
  13. Step Brothers (I can't believe I watched this...again)
  14. The Three Faces of Eve (not as good as Sybil)
  15. American Crude (absolutely horrible)
  16. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (excellent)
  17. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (eh)
  18. Revolver (eh)
  19. The Fan (I've never seen Robert De Niro creepier - beats Frankenstein and that's saying something)
  20. Dead Ringers (kind of awesome)

Favourite Time of Year

I don't know about you, but Fall is my most favourite time year. I love seeing the leaves change color, the cute little squirrels, scary jack-o-lantern carvings and my cute, little chihuahua dressed up in her hoodies.

My least favourite season is Summer. Don't get me wrong, it's nice, but I can't take more than twenty minutes of sun exposure or I look like a boiled lobster that is still alive. This past summer, I went swimming for just about thirty minutes with no sun screen and I felt fine until three hours later. I had a sun burn so bad across my shoulders that I had blisters the size of quarters for a week and horrible pain. I still have the after burn tan.

If I could trade in the time off from school in Summer to Fall, I would. I like the holidays. I love the look of snow and decorating a tree and baking and watching movies (like I don't watch enough movies during the rest of the year :) ) and reading and buying stuff for my family. And not to mention the three whole weeks of no school!

What is your favourite time of year? Comment below!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Happy Fall!

This is a photo I took this Saturday. I think it's actually pretty good.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012


Wasn't she cute? Her little pink nose is gone now and all that's left is cuteness and sharp teeth.

It's That Time of Year Again...

When Everyone Gets Sick!!!

One of my professor's asked the class to draw a skull and cross bones on the top of your paper if you're sick - that way, he'll know to handle your exam with extreme caution.

I was feeling fine until around 7pm and all the sudden, my head felt like it was going to explode because a giant brick was crushing it. That's sinus issues for you. I went to bed at 8pm. And that's about it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Who doesn't love a Pekingese??? If you don't, there is something seriously wrong with you. -_-

Comments Are Not Showing Up For Some Reason

I know you, yes you, who are reading this have something to say. I don't care if it's not in English, but please, someone comment. Over 600 views and like four comments. That's pretty pathetic.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fluffy Socks

Do you ever get cold and just wish you had a pair of fluffy socks? No, just me? Well, I wish I had a pair of fluffy socks right now...


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Art- Mixed Media Pieces4Sale

Hello All!

I am posting two pics of original artwork - both pieces are up for sale. Maybe you or someone you know is looking to purchase original artwork. Artwork lasts forever, or just about, so you can enjoy it for years!

Both Original, Mixed Media (acrylic, 22 inches x 30 inches on heavy nujabi paper)

*Unframed for Easy Shipping*

The artist is my mother. She has been painting for over 20 years and has more artwork for sale that I will be posting pictures of. These two pieces are really beautiful and would look great in your home or office! They have lots of texture and color. They can be hung together or apart. They can be framed.

If interested, send me a direct message on Twitter. I am @_arielc_ Or send me an email at:

You can click the "Follow Me on Twitter" on the left side of this page on the Twitter gadget!

The FIRST picture is a CLOSE UP! - so you can see the texture.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Are you...looking at me??

Movie Review: The Dark Knight Rises, *Spoilers*

Amazing, Awesome, Super Great, did I say awesome?

I can't remember the last time so many superhero movies have been in theatres:

1. The Avengers
2. Captain America
3. The Dark Knight Rises
4. Spiderman
5. Superman (coming out 2013)
6. All Ironman Movies
7. A placeholder for any superhero movie I forgot

Why so many superhero movies??? Maybe we need a superhero? Uh, Yes.

Anyway, I thought The Dark Knight Rises was great. I didn't think the Batman movies could be better than the last - Heath Ledger did an amazing job as the joker in the last one.The SFX were amazing, especially in IMAX. The story line just hooked the audience in! We got sucked into the story and felt like we were part of the battle. We all felt the pain - seeing Batman get beat up by Bane was tough. No one wants to see evil beat up good! I do have to say this one seemed more violent than the last, I don't know, maybe it had to do with seeing it in IMAX.

I knew Wayne couldn't have died - Bruce Wayne aka Batman is a symbol of hope and an end to the Batman saga would just be sad. Without Batman there is no hope - and we can't have that!

And I am so looking forward to the next films because it's now Batman and Robin and Catwoman!! I had a feeling that Officer Blake was Robin. With Catwoman in the movie, I was like, "okay,Batman and Catwoman are here, Robin's gotta be here too!"

I must admit that I saw the movie a few weeks after the opening because the shooting in Colorado really shook me - it shook us all. What happened was/is horrible. To be honest, it was nerve racking to see the film - I felt like everyone was on edge. But I, nor anyone else, must let fear dictate life because that means evil wins, and that's not acceptable.

Did you see the movie? What are your thoughts?? Comment below!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Guess what!?! Michael Phelps is officially the Most Decorated Olympian of all time (19 Medals) ! Go USA!!!

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Olympics, Dun Dun Dunnn

Every two years I look forward to the Olympics. I can't decide which one I like better, Summer or Winter. But I can say that recently, I'm not liking the Olympic rules. Apparently, rules for gymnastics were changed and now the top two athletes from each competing country qualify for All Around Best athlete. Some of you might be thinking, this sounds fair - but it's not and since when does everything have to be "fair"? If you saw Jordyn W. last night crying because she's the best in the world and didn't make the cut to try out for All Around Best then you might see the issue. Because of the new rules, even if you are horrible, but your the only one from your country, you're in. Fairness - that is not what the Olympics are about - they are about being the BEST and at the top of your game...


I'm super cute!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Free Stuff Alert

Copy and Paste link for:

Get a coupon for free Herbal Essence! Up to $3.99 and you must like Herbal Essence on Facebook or follow them on twitter. One per household. Until supplies last.

Get one before it's too late 😁

PictureOfTheDay...Awww :)

Chihuahua Lovers Unite!!!

An Important Post From Facebook I Wanted to Share

I copied the photo from Chris Powell's Facebook page (he received it from one of his followers). It's kind of shocking when I think about how a short little PLU code tells you so much about produce. I try to eat healthy, which happens about 95% of the time. Fresh fruits and vegetables that are organic are ALWAYS better than the other kind. Apparently there are three types of produce; organic (yay!), produce grown on farms in real dirt and "GMO" produce, Genetically Modified produce (EW!). Eating genetically modified produce really freaks me out (what do you think? Comment below please!).

Eating organic (no pesticides) produce really doesn't cost much more than the other types, especially when it's on sale. For really good organic produce, check out Whole Foods, Fresh Market, Harry's Farmers Market and Trader Joes (these are the most popular). I want to encourage organic produce because it's soooo much better for you!

What's your opinion on this? How do you feel about GMO produce??

Tips to stay alive in this HEAT!

I can't remember when it was hotter all around the country (probably just last year). Everyone is saying stay out of the heat! I had a run in with this summer weather last week when I got a second degree burn on my shoulders from swimming, I wasn't wearing sunscreen either :(. I didn't actually feel the burn until a few hours later when I felt like I was sitting in front of a fireplace. And yes I got painful blisters...

So here are my tips for staying safe in this heat!

1. Drink water, a gallon a day if you can. 

2. Wear Broad Spectrum SUNCREEN and reapply every 45 minutes to an hour. You are really   supposed to go through a bottle of sunscreen, 8oz plus per person per day. 

3. Wear a wide brimmed summer hat - its fashionable anyway! 

4. Wear SUNGLASSES all day to protect your eyes - really do it. 

5. Eat lots of Vegetables - good for your health, skin and they contains lots of water and vitamins. 

6. If you do get a burn, apply fresh aloe if you can to the burn every 20-30 minutes. 

I'm out of Summer tips! If you have any, please leave them in the comment section!!! Have a great Summer and don't get burned! :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

PictureOfTheDay...and yes it's from early spring

Spring Cherry Blossoms!

"The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel"

Just yesterday I saw The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel at the UA Tara Cinema in Atlanta. The movie preview looked enticing: the colors, of India, naturally caught my eye.

Director: John Madden

Cast: Judi Dench, Maggie Smith (Professor McGonagall!), Bill Nighy

Plot: A hotel for the "old and beautiful" in India

What I took away from the film: Everything works out in the end. If something didn't work out, it's not the end.

Do I recommend the movie: yes

See it and come back and leave a comment about what you think of the film!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Buy me a bone, please! (Click Donate to feed the dog!)
It was around 2 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, when I decided to go for a nice walk in the sunshine at the Big Creek Greenway. As I began to stroll along the boardwalk, listening to the hum of bicycles on the wooden boards, the birds chirping above, watching the lizards sunbathing on the railing, I decided to turn back towards the gravel parking lot. I was skipping along when suddenly I felt a sticky web meet my face. I thought it was a piece floating through the air, but then released the GIGANTIC brown mass with little legs and beady eyes on my shoulder. I flipped out, did a funny dance, and the camping trip I was planning immediately went into the virtual trash bin. The spider seemed smaller on the ground than on my shirt, but still, it was scary.

And to brighten your day, enjoy the picture of the adorable little dog!

Just A Thought: ABC's The View

I have a new idea for ABC's The View. Instead of having the same five women with the same five opinions five days a week, have different women and men from around the country Skype in and share their opinions. New average everyday people sharing fresh ideas and different opinions is the REAL View of America. I'm tired of hearing the same old stuff everyday at eleven to noon.

What do you think about The View?

School's Out For Summer...Now What?

College students are officially (or are about to be) done with Spring Semester 2012. So, what are we to do now?

 I've decided to get back on track with exercising. I was running a few days a week, did some 5k's last year and then got lazy, again. I've been reading up on how to start running and I've found that starting slow, really, really slow, like snail pace, is the best to get going again. I read that beginner runners need to start running at a walking pace. This means that if you are out of breath, something is wrong because I'm talking 2.0-2.5 mph walking pace. I'm following this plan because it seems to be working. I expect it will take the whole Summer to get to a good, consistent running pace.

Another goal of mine is to actually post on this blog (it's only been six months :/ ).

Also, I've been thinking of Summer internships but because I'm a Sophomore, and I don't know what I want to do yet (I assume I'll figure it out in Fall at GaTech) I will continue to tutor in math at a local Community College.

If anyone who reads this has any running advice or tips, feel free to comment!

Happy Summer!!!