
Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Guess what!?! Michael Phelps is officially the Most Decorated Olympian of all time (19 Medals) ! Go USA!!!

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Olympics, Dun Dun Dunnn

Every two years I look forward to the Olympics. I can't decide which one I like better, Summer or Winter. But I can say that recently, I'm not liking the Olympic rules. Apparently, rules for gymnastics were changed and now the top two athletes from each competing country qualify for All Around Best athlete. Some of you might be thinking, this sounds fair - but it's not and since when does everything have to be "fair"? If you saw Jordyn W. last night crying because she's the best in the world and didn't make the cut to try out for All Around Best then you might see the issue. Because of the new rules, even if you are horrible, but your the only one from your country, you're in. Fairness - that is not what the Olympics are about - they are about being the BEST and at the top of your game...


I'm super cute!