
Friday, June 29, 2012

Free Stuff Alert

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Get a coupon for free Herbal Essence! Up to $3.99 and you must like Herbal Essence on Facebook or follow them on twitter. One per household. Until supplies last.

Get one before it's too late 😁

PictureOfTheDay...Awww :)

Chihuahua Lovers Unite!!!

An Important Post From Facebook I Wanted to Share

I copied the photo from Chris Powell's Facebook page (he received it from one of his followers). It's kind of shocking when I think about how a short little PLU code tells you so much about produce. I try to eat healthy, which happens about 95% of the time. Fresh fruits and vegetables that are organic are ALWAYS better than the other kind. Apparently there are three types of produce; organic (yay!), produce grown on farms in real dirt and "GMO" produce, Genetically Modified produce (EW!). Eating genetically modified produce really freaks me out (what do you think? Comment below please!).

Eating organic (no pesticides) produce really doesn't cost much more than the other types, especially when it's on sale. For really good organic produce, check out Whole Foods, Fresh Market, Harry's Farmers Market and Trader Joes (these are the most popular). I want to encourage organic produce because it's soooo much better for you!

What's your opinion on this? How do you feel about GMO produce??

Tips to stay alive in this HEAT!

I can't remember when it was hotter all around the country (probably just last year). Everyone is saying stay out of the heat! I had a run in with this summer weather last week when I got a second degree burn on my shoulders from swimming, I wasn't wearing sunscreen either :(. I didn't actually feel the burn until a few hours later when I felt like I was sitting in front of a fireplace. And yes I got painful blisters...

So here are my tips for staying safe in this heat!

1. Drink water, a gallon a day if you can. 

2. Wear Broad Spectrum SUNCREEN and reapply every 45 minutes to an hour. You are really   supposed to go through a bottle of sunscreen, 8oz plus per person per day. 

3. Wear a wide brimmed summer hat - its fashionable anyway! 

4. Wear SUNGLASSES all day to protect your eyes - really do it. 

5. Eat lots of Vegetables - good for your health, skin and they contains lots of water and vitamins. 

6. If you do get a burn, apply fresh aloe if you can to the burn every 20-30 minutes. 

I'm out of Summer tips! If you have any, please leave them in the comment section!!! Have a great Summer and don't get burned! :)