
Thursday, May 24, 2012

PictureOfTheDay...and yes it's from early spring

Spring Cherry Blossoms!

"The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel"

Just yesterday I saw The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel at the UA Tara Cinema in Atlanta. The movie preview looked enticing: the colors, of India, naturally caught my eye.

Director: John Madden

Cast: Judi Dench, Maggie Smith (Professor McGonagall!), Bill Nighy

Plot: A hotel for the "old and beautiful" in India

What I took away from the film: Everything works out in the end. If something didn't work out, it's not the end.

Do I recommend the movie: yes

See it and come back and leave a comment about what you think of the film!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Buy me a bone, please! (Click Donate to feed the dog!)
It was around 2 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, when I decided to go for a nice walk in the sunshine at the Big Creek Greenway. As I began to stroll along the boardwalk, listening to the hum of bicycles on the wooden boards, the birds chirping above, watching the lizards sunbathing on the railing, I decided to turn back towards the gravel parking lot. I was skipping along when suddenly I felt a sticky web meet my face. I thought it was a piece floating through the air, but then released the GIGANTIC brown mass with little legs and beady eyes on my shoulder. I flipped out, did a funny dance, and the camping trip I was planning immediately went into the virtual trash bin. The spider seemed smaller on the ground than on my shirt, but still, it was scary.

And to brighten your day, enjoy the picture of the adorable little dog!

Just A Thought: ABC's The View

I have a new idea for ABC's The View. Instead of having the same five women with the same five opinions five days a week, have different women and men from around the country Skype in and share their opinions. New average everyday people sharing fresh ideas and different opinions is the REAL View of America. I'm tired of hearing the same old stuff everyday at eleven to noon.

What do you think about The View?

School's Out For Summer...Now What?

College students are officially (or are about to be) done with Spring Semester 2012. So, what are we to do now?

 I've decided to get back on track with exercising. I was running a few days a week, did some 5k's last year and then got lazy, again. I've been reading up on how to start running and I've found that starting slow, really, really slow, like snail pace, is the best to get going again. I read that beginner runners need to start running at a walking pace. This means that if you are out of breath, something is wrong because I'm talking 2.0-2.5 mph walking pace. I'm following this plan because it seems to be working. I expect it will take the whole Summer to get to a good, consistent running pace.

Another goal of mine is to actually post on this blog (it's only been six months :/ ).

Also, I've been thinking of Summer internships but because I'm a Sophomore, and I don't know what I want to do yet (I assume I'll figure it out in Fall at GaTech) I will continue to tutor in math at a local Community College.

If anyone who reads this has any running advice or tips, feel free to comment!

Happy Summer!!!